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Court of Justice rules that registration of working time is mandatory

The CJEU ruled that employers should be obliged to implement an objective, trustworthy and accessible system, by which the daily working hours of each employee can be registered.

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As the Brexit-clock keeps ticking, what will happen to your IP rights in case of a ‘hard Brexit’?

With a ‘hard Brexit’ still possible, have you already taken the necessary steps to protect your intellectual property rights in the event of a ‘no-deal’ Brexit?

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Hof van Justitie verplicht registratie van arbeidstijd

Op 14 mei 2019 heeft het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie zich uitgesproken over de vraag of en in hoeverre een werkgever verplicht is een tijdsregistratiesysteem in te voeren om de arbeidstijd van de werknemers te meten en te controleren.

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EP endorses package on the cross-border distribution of collective investment funds

The legislative package comprises of a proposed Directive amending the AIFMD and the UCITS-D and a proposed Regulation which have been sent to the Council for formal adoption.

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Financial Regulatory Update - April 2019

This article summarizes all the most recent regulatory developments regarding financial institutions in general.

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