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Stelina Pashaj

Stelina Pashaj

What I like about social law is that it is a very practical subject that touches on important aspects of our lives. Behind each case, there is a human dimension. It is also a subject that is constantly evolving, which means that we have to keep up-to-date and learn about changes that are important. We never stop learning.

How can I help ?

My mission is to help and support clients with their employment law and social security law issues by providing a pragmatic solution.

Expertise/Field of practice

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More about me

I like to spend my spare time with family and my friends. I’m also passionate about discovering other cultures and traditions, and try to travel whenever I have the opportunity.

Education & qualification

  • Master of law,  Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2022
  • Bachelor of law, Univeristé  Saint-Louis , 2020

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